Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

A good day to kick off the new blog, don't you think? I do.

So I'm sitting 700 miles from my 'home' and wondering if it's bad that I don't miss my husband and children. As of today, it's been a week since I've seen them and there are two more weeks before I go home. Frankly, I'm kind of digging it. No one cares when I come and go. No one asks me for anything except if I want to go sing Karaoke at the girl bar or go for Monster Margaritas at Los Pilares. I get to hang out with my grown children (which is much more fun than hanging out with my ungrown children but no less expensive) and appreciate their 'grown-ness'.

I am DIGGING this.

And, I'm daydreaming about how to make this a regular part of my life. The University here has the PhD program that I want. My grown kids are here and soon my grandchild will be here. But I don't want to walk away from my wonderful little town and the life that I made there. Is that selfish of me? Can a person straddle that line or am I trying to have my cake and eat it too? And if I am, is that a bad thing?

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